Our level of service to you is totally up to you and is classified by the following product levels.

ISO CLASS A (End to End Service)
When time is of the essence, we help you achieve your certification promptly with minimal disruption to you or your business.
We assist with:
- determine existing short falls,
- plan and agree on tasks relating to your system development,
- we facilitate with your team the development of all the required documentation (policies, procedures, forms, templates and reporting mechanisms),
- perform periodic checks (audit) to review the progress of the implementation,
- provide solutions to any identified issues.
Finally we agree on the system developed and submit an application to be audited by the certification authority.

ISO CLASS B (Consultation and Oversight)
We understand that some business already have some documented process developed which they currently work to. In this instance we consult, advise and point out the fastest route in achieving your certification and therefore allowing you to manage the setup on your own.
We assist with:
- determine existing short falls,
- plan and agree on tasks relating to your system development,
- perform periodic checks (audit) to review the progress of the implementation,
- provide solutions to any identified issues.

ISO SUPPORT (Maintenance / Auditing)
Our support service is tailored to your individual business needs as we understand:
- smaller organisations sometimes don’t have the full time resources devoted to supporting the maintenance requirements of a management system.
- larger organisations with many projects require visability on business practices and their compliance to the overarching business management system, standards and legislation.
We help you maintain and assess the effectiveness your business management system to ensure on going compliance by performing:
- internal management system audits,
- regulatory & compliance audits.